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Legal Notice

The website is published by

PlaneteDauphins SAS, a French company with a capital of €.
Registered office address: 9 Rue du Merou, Les Trois-Îlets 97229, Martinique
Registered with ORIAS under number 18007080
RCS (Paris) number: 842 079 683
NAF code: 6622Z
VAT identification number: FR 64 842 079 683
Phone: 01 85 09 84 65
Email address:

The share capital of SAS is held by one or more companies affiliated with RVU. The company is registered with the Unique Register of Insurance, Banking, and Finance Intermediaries (ORIAS). The company does not provide advice on the insurance products presented on its website. It is registered under number ORIAS 18007080 for its insurance brokerage and banking and payment services activities.

The specific section regarding the “operation” of our comparison services is accessible by clicking here
Our general conditions are accessible by clicking here
Our privacy policy is accessible by clicking here

Publication Director

Elena Betes Novoa, President of Planète Dauphin SAS.

The website is hosted by

SARL with a capital of €2,325,000
Registered office address: 51 rue Le Peletier, 75009 Paris – France
RCS Paris B 332 484 021
Email address:
Phone number: +33 1 40 61 20 00

Intellectual Property Rights

The overall structure, as well as the texts, animated or still images, sound, drawings, photographs, logos, graphics, and any other element composing the site, are either the property of the Publisher or the property of third parties who have given their consent to reproduction on the website

The total or partial representation of this site, by any means whatsoever, and/or of the elements appearing on it, without the express and prior authorization of the Publisher, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

Any reproduction and/or representation and/or redistribution, in whole or in part, on any electronic or non-electronic medium, present or future, are prohibited without express and prior authorization. All requests for reproduction and/or representation and/or redistribution must be sent to the email address:

Likewise, information databases are protected. Any extraction or attempt at extraction, whether total or partial, may incur the civil and criminal liability of any offender. Individuals are authorized to use the site strictly for private purposes while respecting the following conditions:

printed material cannot be used for commercial purposes;
any copy made retains the same copyright rights as the original material;
the technology and processes used on the site may be subject to other intellectual property rights belonging to Planète Dauphins;
images displayed on the site are protected and cannot be reproduced without the written consent of their owner;
no logo or trademark appearing on the site can be printed or copied except as an illustration part of a text.

All rights reserved by Planète Dauphins.